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4 Steps You Should Always Take After Being in a Serious Auto Accident

 Posted on April 29, 2020 in Car Accidents

Winnebago County car accident lawyersOn average, about 90 individuals lose their lives in car accidents every day in the United States. Even a non-fatal car accident has the potential to completely alter your life. You may be severely injured and require extensive medical care or face permanent disability. Medical bills and financial hardship caused by lost income can make recovering from a traffic accident even more difficult. Fortunately, some car accident victims are eligible for compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. In order to preserve your ability to file a claim for damages after a serious car accident, always take these steps.

Step #1: Call the Police

If you are involved in a serious car accident that causes significant property damage or injuries, you need to contact police right away. Even if you do not file an injury claim, a formal police report that describes the accident is essential. This step creates an official record that the accident took place and gives insurance companies a starting point.

Step #2: Go to the Hospital

Car accidents can be extremely traumatic. When you are hurt in an accident, you may be tempted to simply go home after the exhausting experience and put off seeking medical treatment. However, it is crucial to be evaluated by a medical professional immediately. You may be much more injured than you realize. Furthermore, proving that an accident caused a person’s injuries is very hard without documentation of the injuries that was obtained soon after the accident.

Step #3: Document Everything

Unless you are too injured to do so, take pictures of the accident scene. This includes photographs of each vehicle, the area in which the accident occurred, and the damage to each vehicle. Write down what you remember about accident while the event is still fresh in your mind. Nearly all cell phones are equipped with cameras so taking a few quick photos should be easy, and the images could go a long way toward helping you collect damages.

Step #4: Gather Witness Information

If you can do so safely, take note of the people who witnessed the accident. Ask witnesses if you can have their name and contact information. These individuals may be extremely valuable eyewitnesses who can provide information to police and insurance companies, as well as during any resulting personal injury lawsuits.

Contact a Rockford Car Accident Lawyer

A serious car accident can be devastating both personally and financially. If you or a loved one have been hurt in an auto accident, call Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, to get the legal guidance you need. To schedule a free consultation with a seasoned Winnebago County personal injury attorney, call us at 815-215-7561 today.


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