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Are Staffing Concerns Fueling Inadequate Patient Safety Conditions? 

 Posted on April 25, 2023 in Car Accidents

rockford medical malpractice lawyerMedical mistakes happen for a host of different reasons. Medical care providers are human, so they get distracted and they may harbor potentially harmful subconscious biases. Institutional policies, poorly-run facilities, and even assumptions can lead to consequential patient safety scenarios. For example, in one recent post, we discussed the ways in which an atypical presentation of symptoms related to five potentially-deadly conditions accounts for 40 percent of cases in which emergency room patients suffer permanent or fatal harm as a result of misdiagnosis.

When patient safety risks are not adequately addressed, rates of medication errors, emergency room errors, diagnostic errors, and a variety of other consequential harm tend to risk, spike, or even skyrocket. One recent survey seems to illustrate what has long been suspected: Inadequate staffing impacts patient safety in both perceivable and measurable ways.

HR and CNO Professionals Are Confirming This Nexus

A respected advisory firm recently surveyed human resources (HR) professionals and chief nursing officers (CNOs) across the country about the most pressing issues impacting their organizations. When the responses were analyzed, it was revealed that 84 percent of respondents believe that patient safety and quality care is the single most critical issue impacting their organizations. An additional 77 percent cited significant concerns with strengthening employee engagement and retention.

Based upon the ways in which the survey was structured, it seems that not only is provider retention and staffing impacting patient safety, concerns about patient safety are impacting the ability of facilities to staff and retain talent to care for patients properly as well.

Discuss Your Situation with a Winnebago County Medical Malpractice Lawyer Today

If you believe that inadequate staffing may have led to harm while you or a loved one was seeking medical care, consider connecting with the dedicated team of Rockford, IL medical malpractice lawyers at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, today. When it comes to pursuing justice in the wake of harmful, substandard medical care, knowledge is power. By seeking legal guidance, you can best position yourself to make informed decisions about your rights and options under the law.

Our team offers free case evaluations, so you have nothing to lose by calling our team at 815-215-7561 or submitting a contact form on our website to learn more about how we may be able to help. You do not have to spend your valuable energy wondering whether you do or do not have grounds upon which to file legal action. Seeking clarity will allow you to make an informed decision based on your unique circumstances. We look forward to speaking with you.


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