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Blood Pressure Medication Recalled Over Cancer Concerns

 Posted on January 22, 2019 in Product Liability

Winnebago County product liability attorneysWhen consumers take a medication, they understandably assume the medication will do more good than harm. Medications often contain powerful ingredients which can be dangerous or even deadly if managed improperly. Pharmaceutical companies must therefore be held to a high standard of quality and precision when it comes to manufacturing medications. Drug makers who sell medications they know to be defective must be held accountable. If you or someone you love has suffered because of a defective product, you should know that a defective product liability claim is one avenue for collecting compensation.  

FDA Continues Recalls of Several Popular Medications

Prinston Pharmaceuticals has decided to recall a blood pressure medication called “irbesartan” after it was discovered that the medication contained high levels of a cancer-causing ingredient. The medication is designed to block the effects of a hormone responsible for narrowing blood vessels. Chemical testing revealed that the medication contained unacceptable levels of nitrosodiethylamine, or NDEA, which is a probable carcinogen.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. This most recent recall is only one of several recalls linked to a pharmaceutical factory in China involving blood pressure medication. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has paused all new drug shipments from this factory. Another factory in India has also been linked to several medication recalls. In July 2018, the FDA issued a recall of several pharmaceutical drugs containing a component called “valsartan” due to the increased risk of cancer. Consumers of the recalled drugs are encouraged to speak with their doctor about alternative treatments.

Contact a Winnebago County Personal Injury Attorney for Help

Drug-related product liability claims are a specific type of defective product claim which can be used to get compensation for individuals hurt or injured by the defective medication. The claim can be based on a drug which was manufactured incorrectly, has dangerous side effects, or is improperly marketed.

If you or a loved one was injured or killed due to a defective product, you deserve to be compensated. Contact an experienced Rockford defective drugs lawyer to schedule your completely cost-free initial consultation to discuss your possible product liability claim. Personal injury cases are always handled on a contingency fee basis which means you do not pay a fee if we do not recover compensation for you and your family. Call Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, today at 815-215-7561 to schedule your free initial consultation.


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