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C-Section Mistakes Can Seriously Harm Infants and Mothers

 Posted on October 23, 2020 in Medical Malpractice

Rockford birth injury attorneysA Cesarean section or c-section is a surgical procedure that removes an infant from the mother’s womb. Some c-sections are planned while others are last-minute and necessitated by an unexpected medical complication. If you underwent a planned or emergency c-section and you or your child were injured, you may wonder if the injury was caused by a medical mistake. You may also want to know if the doctor or hospital is liable for the harm caused. In some cases, maternal injuries or birth injuries related to a c-section are caused by medical malpractice.

Delayed C-Section and Failure to Perform a C-Section

Cesarean sections carry certain risks, so many doctors advise women to avoid having a c-section unless it is necessary to protect her health or the health of her unborn child. However, there are some situations in which a traditional vaginal birth is much riskier than delivering via c-section. A doctor may recommend a c-section if there are complications such as:

  • Abnormal progress during labor
  • Fetal distress
  • Placental abruption, placenta previa, or placental insufficiency
  • Uterine rupture
  • Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
  • The baby is in breech position
  • Umbilical cord prolapse

An important part of any doctor’s job is to recognize the signs of medical complications and take the appropriate action. If a doctor fails to notice signs of fetal distress or other red flags that indicate that a c-section is necessary, the doctor c-section operation may be delayed or the doctor may continue with a traditional delivery. Delayed c-sections and failure to perform a necessary c-section can cause the baby to be deprived of oxygen. This may lead to severe birth injuries including hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and cerebral palsy. In some cases, failure to perform a timely c-section results in the infant’s death.

Medical Errors During Surgery

C-sections, like all surgical procedures, can sometimes involve unexpected problems. However, doctors should take every precaution necessary to avoid harming the mother or the baby during the operation. One of the most common mistakes made during a c-section is laceration of the mother’s bowels, bladder, or other internal organs. These injuries can cause significant complications- especially if the doctor does not immediately realize the mistake - and may require additional surgery to correct. Improper closure of the incision is another surgical mistake that can lead to severe infections and even life-threatening sepsis.

Contact a Winnebago County Birth Injury Lawyer

If you or your child were harmed during labor or delivery, you may wonder whether the injury could have been avoided. At Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, we help parents determine whether or not a birth injury was the result of medical malpractice. If the injury was caused by a doctor’s negligence, you may be entitled to financial compensation for the costs incurred by the injury. Call our office at 815-215-7561 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced Rockford medical malpractice attorneys.



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