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Can Defective Medical Devices Cause Wrongful Death?

 Posted on January 11, 2024 in Medical Malpractice

Rockford defective medical devices lawyerWhen medical devices are utilized or implanted, they are designed to be life-saving items or relieve the burden of specific health symptoms. However, if a medical device is defective or if the risks of a medical device are not properly discussed ahead of use, the recipient may end up with life-threatening injuries, additional medical conditions, or even a victim of wrongful death.

An experienced Illinois defective medical devices lawyer can help you understand your options if you or someone you love has received a defective medical device and suffered related consequences.

What Is a Defective Medical Device?

Defective medical devices are those devices that have not been labeled correctly, manufactured incorrectly or are overall defective in design. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration monitors medical device safety, specific devices are more high-risk, and incorrect manufacturing or quality control standards may occur.

Medical devices that may cause serious issues when defective include:

  • Pacemakers
  • Stints
  • Medical Mesh
  • Hip Replacements
  • Surgical Equipment

The consequences of defective medical devices being used or implanted in an individual range can be life-threatening or even fatal. Victims of defective medical devices may not know their device has been defective for a prolonged period, so contacting an attorney at the first sign of issues with your medical device is the best way to pursue justice and compensation as quickly as possible.

How Do I Pursue a Defective Medical Device Case?

Negligence is typically not a factor that needs to be proved when it comes to defective medical devices. Instead, you will need to prove that the injury, wrongful death, infection, illness, or other life-changing effect was a result of a defective medical device. This can be complicated, especially in cases where signs of a defective medical device are not noticed until later in the victim’s life.

If you are considering pursuing a defective medical device case, you will need to gather all of the evidence and seek legal advice immediately. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can learn about your options when it comes to receiving compensation for damages like medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Contact a Rockford, IL Defective Medical Devices Lawyer

Defective medical devices are dangerous, and receiving a defective one can have severe consequences for victims. Contact a seasoned Winnebago County, IL defective medical devices attorney at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, by calling 815-215-7561 for a free consultation about your legal options.

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