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Do I Have Grounds to File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

 Posted on March 29, 2023 in Medical Malpractice

rockford medical malpracticeUnfortunately, although egregious medical errors and other forms of medical negligence occur every day, relatively few victims of this form of professional negligence take advantage of their rights under the law. The fact that it is not always clear when medical malpractice has occurred is one of the primary reasons driving this reality.

For most people, “medical malpractice” is a vague legal term that is not easily applied to individual circumstances. This is understandable. This area of the law is both complex and highly contextual. As a result, unless a healthcare provider admits to making a mistake or it is clear that a preventable situation has gone terribly wrong, it is rarely easy to identify and respond to incidents of medical malpractice.

When Does Medical Malpractice Occur?

Medical malpractice occurs when a patient suffers harm while under the care of a healthcare professional, subject to specific legal and professional criteria. Generally speaking, if a healthcare provider – either by action or omission – causes a patient harm due to engaging in a professionally substandard level of care, medical malpractice has likely occurred.

When Is Medical Harm Legally Actionable?

When a patient suffers harm due to substandard care that is significant enough to result in tangible losses – including medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, etc. – they likely have grounds upon which to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. Unfortunately, identifying when “substandard care” has caused a patient’s harm is often very challenging. As a result, it is usually a good idea for patients who have questions to speak with an attorney. They may discover that they are entitled to considerable compensation as a result of their harm.

Connect with a Reputable Rockford County Medical Malpractice Lawyer for Free to Learn More

If you are unsure of whether you have grounds upon which to file a medical malpractice lawsuit, schedule a risk-free, confidential case evaluation with the knowledgeable team of Rockford, IL medical malpractice lawyers at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, at no cost to begin exploring your options. Once you are empowered to make an informed decision, you can determine whether filing legal action is in your best interests at this time.   

You should not have to spend sleepless nights wondering exactly what led to your harm and whether there is anything that can be done to right was has gone wrong. To begin clarifying your rights and options under the law given the unique nature of your circumstances, please call our team at 815-215-7561 or submit a contact form on our website at any time. We look forward to speaking with you


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