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Failure to Diagnose Maternal Health Conditions Can Lead to Severe Birth Injuries

 Posted on February 26, 2021 in Medical Malpractice

Rockford birth injury attorneysEvery parent hopes for a problem-free pregnancy and birth. Sadly, this is not always the case. Doctors are trained not only to treat medical conditions, but they are also trained to recognize the risk factors for medical complications that can harm a mother or baby. Many birth injuries are caused by pre-existing medical issues. When a doctor or other medical professional fails to properly diagnose a medical problem, the mother or the baby can suffer dire consequences.

Failure to Diagnose Maternal Infection

The first step in preventing complications during a child’s birth is ensuring that the mother receives proper healthcare during pregnancy. Diagnostic errors during a mother’s pregnancy, labor, or delivery can lead to birth injuries and even fetal death. Failure to diagnose maternal infections is an especially dangerous mistake. Rubella, hepatitis B, syphilis, chickenpox, and toxoplasmosis can cause serious or even deadly injuries to an unborn child. A mother with an undiagnosed infection may give birth to a child who suffers hearing and vision problems, intellectual disabilities, and other problems for the rest of his or her life. Sadly, many infants who suffer birth injuries due to undiagnosed maternal infections do not survive. Early detection is often key to preventing severe complications from infections. Many maternal infections can be mitigated through vaccines, antibiotic medications, and other medical interventions.

Failure to Diagnose Risk Factors Such as Preeclampsia

There are known risk factors that greatly increase the chances of complications during a child’s birth. Doctors who are aware of these risk factors can take the appropriate medical actions to prevent or reduce the harm caused by these risk factors. Preeclampsia, or abnormally high blood pressure and urine proteins, occurs in about eight percent of pregnancies. Preeclampsia can cause placental abruption, placental insufficiency, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, and other serious complications during birth. In many cases, a mother suffering from preeclampsia will need an emergency C-section. When doctors neglect to properly monitor a mother or a fetus before and during birth they are not prepared for the complications that may arise. This can lead to delayed treatment and other forms of medical negligence.

Contact a Winnebago County Birth Injury Attorney

Doctors are expected to order the appropriate medical tests, take an accurate medical history, and diagnose maternal conditions. When a doctor fails to diagnose maternal medical conditions, the mother or the baby may suffer from preventable injuries. If you or your child were harmed by a birth injury and you suspect that poor medical care was the cause, contact a Rockford medical malpractice lawyer at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois. Call 815-215-7561 for a free consultation.



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