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How Doctors Are Being Advised to Respond After Making a Medication Error 

 Posted on May 08, 2023 in Medical Malpractice

winnebago county medical malpractice lawyerOne of the reasons that medical malpractice cases are so challenging to pursue is that the standard of negligence that plaintiffs must prove is far more context-specific than it is for most other personal injury scenarios. If someone is harmed on another’s property, for example, a plaintiff must prove that the owner of the property either knew or should have known about a hazardous condition and did not take steps to mitigate the risk of harm it could cause. In a medication error case. However, a plaintiff must prove that the defendant violated the medical standard of care.

Parsing what the medical standard of care should look like under every injured patient’s unique circumstances can be truly challenging. This is why it is helpful to understand when providers are being provided with clear-cut guidance that spells out what a professional’s standard of care needs to be. That understanding can help to inform an injured patient’s legal strategy as they attempt to prove that their harm was both preventable and caused by professional malpractice.

AAMC Guidance

In the event that a physician becomes aware that a medication error has occurred, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) advises physicians to disclose the occurrence of the error, a complete explanation of the circumstances in question, and an evaluation of potential and realized negative consequences stemming from that harm. The AAMC also advises timely formal reporting of medication errors, which helps to ensure transparency beyond a patient’s individual knowledge.

It is important to understand that implementation of this common-sense guidance is widely expected of physicians and that those who do not honor it may be rightfully accused of exacerbating the risks that victims of medication errors might face as they try to recover from any harm that those errors caused in the first place.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Knowledgeable Winnebago County Medical Malpractice Lawyer for More Information

Whether you know or suspect that a medication error has caused you harm, it is going to be important for you to explore your legal options with the assistance of the knowledgeable team of Rockford, IL medical malpractice lawyers at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois. We are proud to offer free consultations to anyone who may be in a position to hold healthcare providers accountable for harmful, substandard care.

Only you can determine whether pursuing legal action is in your best interests at this time. However, we can help to ensure that your decision is truly informed. To schedule a confidential, no-pressure consultation at no cost, you can call our team at 815-215-7561 or submit a contact form on our website. We look forward to speaking with you.   


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