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Is Cerebral Palsy Always a Result of Medical Malpractice?

 Posted on October 08, 2020 in Medical Malpractice

Rockford personal injury attorneysCerebral palsy (CP) is a complex medical condition that experts are still learning more and more about every day. The most common symptom of cerebral palsy is trouble with movement and coordination. Some sufferers also experience difficulty with swallowing, speaking, hearing, and vision. Cognitive impairment is present in approximately one third of sufferers. CP can cause a range of symptoms, from relatively mild to severely disabling. If your child has developed cerebral palsy, you may have questions about how and why your child developed this life-changing condition.

What Causes Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy occurs when part of the brain is damaged or develops abnormally. Congenital cerebral palsy is CP that a child is born with, while acquired cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage during the beginning of the child’s life. CP can be caused by brain damage that occurs before the child is born, during labor and delivery, or shortly after birth. Trauma, reduced blood flow to the child’s brain, or even infections like viral encephalitis may cause a child to develop CP. There is still much about cerebral palsy that is unknown.

Could My Child’s CP Have Been Prevented?

Parents of children with CP often wonder if there is anything that could have been done to prevent their child from developing CP. In some cases, there is nothing that doctors, surgeons, or other medical professionals could have done to stop the brain damage or brain abnormalities that lead to the child’s cerebral palsy. In other cases, cerebral palsy is a direct result of a medical error. Medical mistakes that most commonly lead to cerebral palsy include:

  • Misdiagnosis or inadequate treatment of a maternal infection during pregnancy
  • Failing to monitor fetal heart rate and recognize signs of fetal distress
  • Misuse of birth-assisting tools such as forceps or vacuum extractors
  • Failing to recognize the need for an emergency c-section or a delayed c- section
  • Administering the wrong medication or the wrong dose of medication
  • Errors in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) including inadequately monitoring the infant’s vital signs, mismanagement of the infant’s feeding tube or central line, and ventilation mistakes

If your child’s cerebral palsy was caused by the negligence of a doctor or another medical professional, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Through a medical malpractice claim, you could receive compensation for:

  • Your child’s medical treatment, including ongoing medical care such as physical therapy and occupational therapy
  • Assistive equipment and technology such as wheelchairs, walkers, or soundboards
  • Modifications to your home needed to make your home accessible, such as wheelchair ramps and other accessibility items

Contact a Winnebago County Birth Injuries Lawyer

If your child has cerebral palsy and you are concerned that the condition may be a result of a medical mistake, contact Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois. We can help you investigate the circumstances that led to your child developing this life-altering condition. If medical malpractice is to blame for your child’s condition, we will fight to get you and your family the compensation you need. Call our office today at 815-215-7561 to schedule your free, no obligation case consultation with a skilled Rockford medical malpractice attorney.



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