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Is Delayed Diagnosis Medical Malpractice?

 Posted on December 11, 2023 in Medical Malpractice

Rockford delayed diagnosis lawyerMany individuals put their trust in family doctors and other medical professionals. Receiving a delayed diagnosis or an incorrect diagnosis that results in serious injury, wrongful death, or life-changing effects can lead to a sense of betrayal and severe consequences for the victim. Delayed diagnosis is a type of medical malpractice, and you may be able to pursue a case. An Illinois delayed diagnosis lawyer can help you explore your options.

Causes and Consequences of Delayed Diagnosis

Certain health conditions require prompt treatment, and the timeline on which care is received may be a deciding factor in how a health condition affects someone’s life. The consequences of a delayed diagnosis include illnesses or injuries that become too advanced to treat appropriately, life-changing effects on an individual’s quality of life, or even wrongful death.

Several factors may cause delayed diagnosis, though common issues include:

  • The loss of test results
  • Disregarding a patient’s complaints or symptoms
  • Incorrectly identifying patient symptoms
  • Misdiagnosing an illness or health condition
  • Failure to order proper screenings, such as lab tests and X-rays
  • Referral delays that stop a patient from seeing a specialist

Certain conditions may only be treated appropriately when caught early – delayed diagnosis can contribute to severe consequences. If you believe that you or a loved one has been a victim of a delayed diagnosis, consulting a lawyer with an understanding of the complexities of this type of case is essential.

Can I Pursue a Delayed Diagnosis Case?

To pursue a delayed diagnosis case, you will need to prove that a delay in diagnosis is what causes a health condition to become severe in a way that directly affects the quality of life. This may be difficult to prove and often warrants an investigation into the actions of primary care and hospital staff, which can be fairly complex.

A seasoned attorney will review your case and advise you on the specifics of your situation, helping you figure out whether you can pursue compensation for a delayed diagnosis.

Contact a Rockford, IL Delayed Diagnosis Attorney

A delayed diagnosis that results in a severe injury or a wrongful death is hard to deal with. If you believe that you or a loved one has fallen victim to a delayed diagnosis, you may be able to pursue compensation for any damages. Contact an experienced Winnebago County, IL delayed diagnosis lawyer at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, to explore your legal options. Call 815-215-7561 for a free consultation.

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