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Is Falling on Stadium Bleachers a Premises Liability Case?

 Posted on August 23, 2024 in Premises Liability

Rockford, IL Personal Injury LawyerWhen you go shopping or to a restaurant, a public park, a neighbor’s home, or a football game, you rightly expect the property to be safe. However, accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. Suppose you fall on the bleachers at a football game. You may be eligible for compensation through a premises liability claim.

How do you know if your fall qualifies? Who is responsible for paying your damages? Do you need evidence, and if so, how can you prove what happened? A knowledgeable personal injury attorney from Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, will discuss your case and can answer those questions during your free consultation.

What Is Premises Liability?

Someone is always responsible for keeping properties safe, whether it is a property owner, business, organization, or government agency. "Premises" can refer to outdoor spaces, businesses, buildings, and other structures, while "liability" translates roughly to "responsibility." For football stadium bleachers, the responsible party might be a government agency for public schools, a private school board of trustees, the stadium owner, or the football team.

Legal obligations can differ depending on the type of premises and its intended use. Apartment complexes, for instance, may have different requirements from retail stores. Examples of these obligations in football stadiums include:

  • Keeping walkways clear to avoid tripping hazards

  • Providing an adequate number of security guards

  • Ensuring adequate lighting

  • Repairing damaged or broken bleacher seats, flooring, stairs, sidewalks, and parking areas

  • Placing and maintaining handrails on stairways

When the responsible party fails to comply with the applicable obligations, injuries can occur. Your legal team from Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, can tell you if this applies to your case. We will look at:

  • The reason for your fall: Was it due to broken flooring, loose handrails, or inadequate lighting?

  • How long the hazardous condition had existed: Did the damage just happen, or had it occurred before the day of the game?

  • The responsible party’s awareness: Did they know, or should they have known, about the issue? When did they find out? Did they have enough time to take action?

  • Any actions taken: Did the responsible party restrict access to the hazardous area or place signs warning fans to avoid the danger?

We at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, cannot tell you if your fall qualifies until we discuss case-specific details.

Can You Always Hold Responsible Parties Liable for Your Injuries?

Sadly, you cannot. Your case must meet specific criteria for you to be eligible for compensation, such as:

  • The responsible party must have known, or should have known, about the dangerous condition yet failed to address it.

  • The responsible party must have had sufficient time to address the hazard by blocking off the area, placing prominent warning signs, or making appropriate repairs.

  • The incident causing your injuries must have been a reasonably anticipated outcome of the hazardous condition.

  • You must not have been more than 50 percent responsible for the accident.

You will need evidence of the responsible party’s negligence to support your claim for compensation. When you work with Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, we will investigate your incident, identify all at-fault parties, gather evidence, and work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now With Our Experienced Rockford, IL Premises Liability Lawyers

Premises liability cases, such as bleacher accidents at football games, have several potential complications. Fortunately, you do not have to face them alone. Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, will be by your side throughout your claims process. Call us at 815-215-7561 today to speak with our skilled Winnebago County, IL personal injury attorneys.

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