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Survey Shows One in Ten Daycares Still Using Recalled Baby Sleepers

 Posted on August 19, 2019 in Product Liability

Rockford product liability lawyersThe U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is the government agency responsible for ensuring that the products Americans use everyday are not unreasonably dangerous. When it comes to infant and child products, the need for strict safety guidelines and regulations is especially great. Millions of child and baby products are recalled every year after evidence is discovered that the products carry a defect which increases the risk of injury or death. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics requested that the CPSC issue a recall for the popular Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper after the sleeper was linked to several infant deaths.

American Academy of Pediatrics Says Inclined Sleeper is Deadly

There has long been debate regarding the safest way for infants to sleep. Fears about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other fatal conditions can cause new parents to be nervous about how they lay their child down for sleep. Although we generally assume that the baby products sold in retail stores are safe for our children, the sad case is that some products do carry risks. More than 30 infants have died while sleeping in Rock ‘n Play sleepers since the product was introduced in 2009. Frighteningly, new evidence shows that a great deal of these recalled sleepers are still being used in homes and daycares across the country.

Child Care Providers May Be Using Unsafe Products

The American Academy of Pediatrics formally recommends that babies should be placed on a flat surface that is free of blankets and other items when they sleep. The recalled sleepers place infants in an inclined position which some believe is the cause of the fatalities. One parent was shocked to discover that one the sleepers linked to infant death was being used in his own son’s daycare. The Philadelphia father is a consumer watchdog for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, so he recognized the recalled sleeper right away. Research suggests that approximately one out of ten daycares are still using the dangerous sleeper. Child care organizations which use unsafe products or otherwise put children and babies at risk can be held legally responsible for any injuries or deaths caused by their negligence. 

Contact a Rockford, Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer

When a dangerous product causes your child injury or death, turn to the experienced Winnebago County product liability attorneys at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois. We will help you hold the negligent party responsible for their wrongdoing and pursue compensation for you and your family. Schedule a free consultation with our compassionate team by calling 815-215-7561 today.



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