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815-215-7561 312-782-2453


What Is a Drug Defect?

 Posted on January 08, 2024 in Personal Injury

Winnebago County defective drug lawyerDrugs can be lifesaving for many, and there are many medications out there that are essential for individuals to take. However, drug defects do occur, and these defects can lead to serious injuries and consequences for victims. Drug defects that lead to defective product injuries are often complex cases to pursue, but you must get the compensation you deserve after such an injury. An Illinois defective drug attorney can help you understand your legal options.

How Do Drug Defects Happen?

Drug defects are when a drug does not work the way it should. A defective drug may not be effective, it may not be safe to use or have more side effects than benefits, or it has an imperfection that stops it from working correctly.

Common mistakes and negligence that lead to drug defects include:

  • Poor quality control that leads to drugs with varying efficiency
  • A lack of sanitation or sterilization during the manufacturing process
  • Negligence or mistakes during mixing that lead to unsafe or unexpected drug dosages
  • Improper warnings or missing drug labels on packaging
  • Contamination during manufacturing or delivery

Drug defects may happen at any point during the drug manufacturing process, and these cases typically deal with Illinois product liability laws. An experienced attorney can help you navigate your options if you encounter a defective drug.

Are Drug Defects Dangerous?

Drug defects can be hazardous, as taking a drug that is contaminated, incorrectly made, or has serious side effects that outweigh the risks may result in injury. Injuries that result from taking defective drugs include serious incidents such as heart attacks, congenital disabilities, organ damage or failure, blood clots, and death.

Experiencing any of these injuries can leave a victim with permanent disabilities, long stays in the hospital, or issues that affect them for the rest of their lives. Compensation for a victim is often necessary to pay off medical bills and deal with any lost wages or pain and suffering of future issues that result from a dangerous drug defect.

Contact a Winnebago County, IL Defective Drug Lawyer

Drug defects can result in serious personal injuries or even death. If you or a loved one have dealt with a defective drug, it is important to contact a Rockford, IL defective drug attorney right away to explore your compensation options and receive the justice you deserve. Reach out to the seasoned lawyers at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, by calling 815-215-7561 for a free consultation.

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