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What Makes a Personal Injury Catastrophic?

 Posted on May 03, 2024 in Catastrophic Injuries

Winnebago County catastrophic injury lawyerPersonal injuries range from mild to more severe, and severe injuries may be categorized as catastrophic in specific circumstances. In general, catastrophic injuries impact one's life and ability to continue living as one is used to. Depending on how the injury occurred, one may be able to pursue a claim for compensation to cover the recovery and impact of one's catastrophic injury.

A skilled Illinois catastrophic injury lawyer can help guide you through your legal options.

What Are Catastrophic Injuries?

Catastrophic injuries are injuries that occur with life-altering consequences. They are typically the result of a car accident, construction or factory accident, or trucking accident and can have a number of different consequences.

Common catastrophic injuries include the following:

  • Spinal cord and neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Amputations
  • Burn injuries and never injuries
  • Any injury that results in significant disfigurement, severe ongoing pain, or permanent disability

Not only do these injuries severely impact the way a victim is able to live their life, but they also often result in extensive medical bills, pain and suffering, and costly medical and adaptive equipment. Victims also typically experience a loss of the ability to work and a loss of future earning potential, something that can greatly impact their lives and their families.

Can I Receive Compensation for a Catastrophic Injury?

When dealing with the aftermath of a catastrophic injury, you may wonder if you can receive compensation for yourself or a loved one. If your catastrophic injury was the result of the reckless behavior or negligent actions of a third party, you may be able to pursue a claim against them in Illinois court.

It is important to file your compensation claim for a catastrophic injury within two years, as this is Illinois's statute of limitations on personal injury cases. You will need to work with an experienced lawyer to build your case. Proving negligence or recklessness is key to winning your claim, and your attorney can investigate the circumstances around your catastrophic injury to help prove this.

Contact a Winnebago County, IL Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Catastrophic injuries are life-changing, and victims of these injuries often deal with emotional and physical trauma on top of expensive medical bills and recovery costs. Working with a knowledgeable Rockford, IL catastrophic injury attorney is essential if you wish to pursue a claim against the party responsible for your injury.

At Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, our attorneys aggressively advocate for clients with catastrophic injuries. We work on a contingency basis, meaning we will not charge a fee unless we win. Call 815-215-7561 for a free consultation.

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