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What to Know About Defective Medical Devices

 Posted on July 31, 2024 in Product Liability

Winnebago County, IL personal injury lawyerPatients who need to rely on medical devices as part of their daily lives put a lot of trust in these critical pieces of equipment, and it can be tragic when these devices prove to be defective. Defective medical devices contribute frequently to severe illness or injury in patients, with the consequences of a defective medical device sometimes resulting in fatalities.

A knowledgeable Illinois defective medical devices attorney can help you explore your options if you have been severely injured due to a defective medical device.

Defective Medical Devices Can Cause Serious Problems

Medical devices and implants are an important part of healthcare for many people, and these devices include things like pacemakers, dialysis filters, stenting, insulin pumps, and hip implants.

However, many manufacturers rush through the design and production process of medical devices in order to maximize profits, while other manufacturers skip lengthy and expensive testing processes to push their medical devices out onto the market faster. Still others ignore test results that suggest medical devices are not safe, hiding evidence and jeopardizing patient safety. 

This can cause serious consequences, and patients who receive a defective medical device may experience long-term, catastrophic injuries or even wrongful death due to their use of the product.

Can I Pursue a Lawsuit After a Defective Medical Device Injury?

It may be possible for you to pursue a lawsuit after being injured by a defective medical device, though there are some basics you will need to prove in order for your case to be viable.

In general, your lawsuit must show at least one of the following:

  • The medical device was poorly or negligently designed, or there was a flaw in the design

  • This flaw or poor design was known by the manufacturer, but the manufacturer failed or neglected to warn consumers

  • The defective medical device was not recalled after being discovered to be dangerous, poorly designed, or otherwise flawed

You will further need to prove that it was the defective medical device that resulted in your injuries, making the manufacturer liable for your compensation claim.

This can understandably feel overwhelming, but you do not have to do it yourself. An experienced Illinois personal injury attorney knows how to collect the evidence necessary to give you the best shot at earning maximum compensation. 

Contact a Winnebago County, IL Defective Medical Device Lawyer

Defective medical devices can cause life-altering consequences to victims, and injuries from these devices often require lengthy recovery. If you or a loved one has experienced injury due to a defective medical device, you will need the assistance of a Rockford, IL defective medical device attorney as you pursue a claim.

At Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, our attorneys have extensive experience with personal injury and defective medical device cases, and we will provide you with the compassionate representation you need. Contact us at 815-215-7561 for a free consultation.

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