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815-215-7561 312-782-2453


What You Should Know About Drug Recalls

 Posted on November 18, 2019 in Product Liability

Rockford defective drugs attorneysWhen a drug that has been prescribed for you is recalled, it can be a very frightening experience. One day, you are taking the drug as normal, completely unaware of any problems, and suddenly, headlines are decrying the dangers associated with the medication. Should you stop taking your medication? Should you call 911? In the resulting confusion, it can be challenging to know just what to do, but it is important not to make any health-related decisions without first speaking to a doctor or medical professional.

Educate Yourself

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) handles all drug recalls in the United States. This includes voluntary recalls originating with the drug manufacturer. If a drug has been recalled, the FDA—along with a number of other reputable sources—will almost always provide information online regarding the reasons and potential dangers associated with the recall. In many cases, the potential for problems only exists for a small subset of all patients currently taking the drug. For example, a particular drug may present a previously unknown danger to patients who have a specific, seemingly unrelated coexisting condition.

Contact Your Pharmacist

A well-trained pharmacist can be an extremely valuable source of information related to prescription drugs. While he or she may not go into specifics regarding the experiences of other patients, he or she can advise you on possible alternatives to the recalled drug. It is very possible that only a particular production lot of the drug was recalled, and your pharmacist may be able to simply replace your current prescription with a non-recalled version. 

Call a Medical Professional

After speaking with your pharmacist, you may need to see your doctor about getting a prescription for a different medication. Alternatively, you and your doctor may develop a completely different strategy for treating your condition. It is also very important to communicate your concerns regarding the recalled drug with your doctor so that he or she can determine if the drug has caused you any negative physiological effects. If you are experiencing symptoms mentioned in the recall, or serious symptoms of any type, and your doctor is not available, go to an emergency room.

Consult a Rockford Drug Liability Attorney

If you have been injured or suffered serious side effects from a recalled prescription drug, you may be eligible to receive compensation from the manufacturer or distributor. Contact an experienced Winnebago County defective drug lawyer at Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois. We will meet with you to discuss your case and help you understand your available options, and then work with you every step of the way in the pursuit of justice in your case. Call 815-215-7561 to schedule your free consultation today.



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